The Geopath and Intermx teams are continuing to monitor population movement data, and compile any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry. Today’s presentation is an update to the weekly COVID-19 Mobility tracking reports that we have been releasing over the past three months. According to the data, this week marks the tenth consecutive week ...
About Brooklyn Outdoor I started Brooklyn Outdoor in 2013 after moving back to Detroit from Chicago, where I was in the industry for 10 years. Being a Michigan native and coming back to Detroit, It just felt like the right time and place to start a business and give it a shot. The potential for ...
As we prepare for the reopening of markets throughout the country, Geopath is working to provide as much data as possible to support the OOH industry and our members. Recently, we compiled a report for Geopath members analyzing OOH spending in each of the top 100 DMAs around the country. The full report is available to all ...
We hope everyone is reading this blog post in good health. The Geopath and Intermx teams are continuing to monitor population movement data, and compile any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry. Today’s presentation is an update to the weekly COVID-19 Mobility tracking reports that we have been releasing over the past two ...
We hope everyone is doing well, and you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Over the past two months, the Geopath and Intermx teams have spent countless hours monitoring population movement data, and compiling any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry. Today we are sharing an updated ...
As we prepare for the reopening of markets throughout the country, Geopath is working diligently to provide as much data as possible to support the OOH industry and our members. Recently, we used some of the resources available to Geopath members to compile a report analyzing the top OOH spenders in each of the top 100 DMAs ...
When I was a beta tester of the Geopath Insights Suite, I was able to go through the entire platform and training program now available through the Geopath Learning Lab. With the information being so new at the time, I wanted to introduce everyone in my company to this essential platform that would help us ...
We hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend, and you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy. Over the past two months, the Geopath and Intermx teams have spent countless hours monitoring population movement data, and compiling any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry. Today’s presentation is an updated ...
As we prepare for the reopening of markets throughout the country, Geopath is working diligently to provide as much data as possible to support the OOH industry and our members. By utilizing some of the resources available to the Geopath team, we were able to compile a report analyzing the top ten OOH spenders in each of ...
To help support our members in as many ways possible, we have compiled a report analyzing the top 10 OOH spenders in each of the top DMAs around the country. The report is posted within the Geopath GeekOUT Library, and can be accessed by clicking here. Please log in with your current Geopath credentials. If ...