The preview release of the 2021 midyear annual forecast is now available within the Insights Suite and API. Please see below for some important notes related to the release. For those accessing the 2021 midyear forecast via the API, packages have temporarily been limited to 100 units. This restriction will be removed by Wednesday, June 16th. For those accessing the 2021 midyear annual forecast via the Insights Suite ...
As announced previously, Geopath will be releasing a midyear annual forecast for the first time in the organization’s history on Monday, June 14th. Geopath is truly excited for the release of our midyear forecast and what the future holds for the data available to our members – and we hope the OOH industry is as well! ...
Our Executive Committee is currently working to ensure a seamless leadership transition. For more than 85 years, Geopath has provided its members with critical tools to analyze audience location and measure consumer engagement. Geopath remains committed to collaborating with our tripartite membership that includes advertisers, agencies, and media operators. As always, we seek guidance and ...
As announced last month, Geopath will be releasing a midyear annual forecast for the first time in the organization’s history. Since this will be a major milestone for Geopath, and the industry, we want to ensure our members are updated on what to expect over the next few weeks. Why is Geopath releasing a midyear ...
Worlds colliding How did you join Swiftmile? For me, Swiftmile is 20 years of industry experience converging. I started my career in transportation. In college, I happened to meet the international export manager for an Italian bicycle and moped manufacturer called Malaguti, which had been in business since 1930. I started as an intern ...
Our bi-weekly release into the API and Insights Suite occurred on Monday, May 17th, 2021. A complete list of all Geopath spot IDs that have been added or updated in this release can be found here. Please note that due to the Memorial Day holiday, the next inventory release will be on June 14th, 2021.
It has been well over a year since the pandemic swept over the world and dramatically impacted life here in the US. After enduring an incredibly difficult year in 2020, Geopath members (and people the world over) looked to the future with hope and uncertainly. What would 2021 have in store? Would we return to our former lifestyles quickly, or ...
For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s travel to back to the Lone Star state and revisit a DMA that we touched on last fall: Dallas-Ft. Worth. In September, we compared first and second quarter spending, and noted the top advertisers spending during these periods in Texas’s largest market. With the release of Kantar advertising spend data for Q4, the Geopath team has compiled two reports so ...
As a reminder, the Workspace Classic module is scheduled to be decommissioned, and will no longer be available in the Insights Suite after April 23rd, 2021. Any market plans or inventory plans previously created using the Workspace Classic module will be accessible in the new Workspace module. Users, however, will need to rerun any inventory plans when opening for the first time in the new ...
Our next bi-weekly release to the API and Insights Suite is scheduled for Monday, April 19th. In preparation, we would like to share a few updates and announcements. Inventory Updates An inventory update was part of the April 19th release. Please click here to see a list of all the new Geopath IDs that have been added to the database as part of the release, or that have had changes to either their status or impressions. As previously announced, the ...