New Insights Suite User Guides We are excited to announce the release of four new Insights Suite User Guides. Working closely with our Futures Council, we are developing a series of guides that provide step-by-step guidance on some of the most common workflows in the Geopath Insights Suite. User Guides currently available: Using the Workspace ...
For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the market home to the capital, and most populous city of Indiana – the Indianapolis DMA. Did you know that Indianapolis wasn’t always the capital of Indiana? Though it has been for almost 200 years, there was a 9 year stretch in the early 1800s ...
Please see below for notes on recent updates to the Geopath Insights Suite and API. Reach and Frequency Update for Place-Based Media There was a scheduled update over the weekend to the API and Insights Suite to address an identified issue of higher-than-expected reach for place-based media. Previously, reach and frequency for place-based media was ...
For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the market home to the capital city of Louisiana – the Baton Rouge DMA. Did you know that Louisiana is one of only two US states that isn’t broken up into counties? Unlike the other 48, Louisiana is split into parishes, while Alaska is split ...
“Aaay, OOH is the Coolest!” For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the market that is home to the largest city in The Badger State and the 38th largest DMA by population – the Milwaukee DMA. Did you know that Milwaukee is the birthplace of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company and is also ...
It was such a pleasure being together in person with so many of you at New York Digital Signage Week. The big crowds and engaged audiences truly drove home what makes this industry so strong – a continued commitment to move forward toward a shared vision of the future. The mood throughout the events characterized ...
For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the market home to the largest city on the Mississippi river – the Memphis DMA. Did you know that Memphis, TN was named after the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis? In fact, Memphis’ placement along the Mississippi River strongly resembled the ancient capital’s place on the ...
For today’s GeekOUT Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the market home to New York State’s second-largest city – the Buffalo DMA. Let’s first look at who is spending in OOH within the DMA for Q2 of 2021. Like in many other markets, Geico takes the top spot when it comes to OOH spend. ...
Election follows Geopath’s announcement to develop strategic roadmap for the future of its organization and the out-of-home industry. Industry leaders from 4A’s, ANA, EMC Outdoor, Project X/ADstruc, Rapport, Talon/The Buntin Group and Vistar Media to serve across various roles New York, NY (October 05, 2021) – Geopath, a non-profit organization that provides the industry-standard ...
In the last handful of years, you may have noticed the amount of “ride sharing” vehicles has skyrocketed across the US. What started mostly with shareable car services has now extended to everything from bikes to electric scooters. In virtually every major city in the US, you can find bike share programs. New York City ...