Today, we are issuing the first of our regular monthly releases since launching the new forecast. With this release, we are excited to announce the inclusion of 200+ additional target audience segments. In total, we now have more than 400 audiences available in the Insights Suite and the API, with more to be added in ...
During last week’s fireside chat between Geopath Chairperson and Kinetic CEO Michael Lieberman and Geopath President Dylan Mabin, the two had a candid discussion around the new strategic vision and the future of the organization. The full conversion is available here in case you missed it. While the future vision of Geopath is of critical importance to ...
Tell us about your experience in founding and expanding Vistar Media to be the programmatic DOOH exchange that it is today? When we founded Vistar ten years ago, OOH was undergoing a major digital transformation but still suffered from highly manual and inefficient ways of transacting media. With the capabilities available via programmatic, we saw ...
Tell us a bit about your background in the OOH industry and your role at Volta. I’ve spent the last two decades working in the digital media and advertising industries and have been fortunate to help lead its rapid evolution. From my roles at Clear Channel Communications and iHeartMedia, to my current position as Chief ...
Since 2020, Geopath has worked to update its methodology for measuring transit inventory utilizing advanced location data inputs. This work focused primarily on ensuring that all transit formats utilize the same methodology used by other Geopath audited formats. Now, after working with its Insights Committee on implementing these enhancements, Geopath has launched preliminary impressions for ...
As Geopath begins the rollout of its new strategic vision developed in partnership with PwC and leaders from across the industry, we will be providing periodic updates on what to expect over the coming months. Below are two important updates that Geopath will implement next week. These changes will provide us with the additional flexibility and ...
A Note from Geopath President Dylan Mabin It was gratifying to see so many friends and colleagues come together at our recent OOH Media Conference and then to read so many posts online discussing positive experiences and takeaways. I too, was so happy to be in-person with so many people and to have the ...
May 17, 2022 (New York, NY) – Geopath, the not-for-profit out of home (“OOH”) audience measurement organization established in 1933 and governed by a tripartite board of agencies, advertisers, and media companies, announced today that Dylan Mabin, former Executive Vice President of Operations and Acting President, has been named President of Geopath. Mabin first joined ...
What to Know Before You Go At long last, it’s finally time for the 2022 GO OOH Media Conference & Expo! We’re elated to create lasting connections with new colleagues and visit old industry friends. We’re sure you’ve already started packing your bags for the Sunshine State, but know a few key things before you go ...