Geopath OOH Inventory Reference Materials

Geopath OOH Inventory Reference Materials
Geopath is pleased to announce the publication of three new resource pages that provide additional information about our OOH inventory metadata. These pages are public and available to everyone in the industry.

  • OOH Inventory Metadata Overview summarizes Geopath’s logical inventory data structures and helps our members understand the depth of information available through the Inventory API.
  • OOH Media Types and Sizes outlines Geopath’s categorization of the most common OOH inventory units, such as panels, bulletins, posters, murals, and displays.
  • OOH Inventory Business Glossary contains precise definitions of Geopath’s OOH inventory terminology to ensure correct interpretation of our OOH inventory data

If you have any questions about any of the pages, please reach out to us at [email protected].