OOH in Texas: The State by Numbers
Friday Fast Fact

For today’s Fast Fact, let’s zoom back the lens a bit and take a look at some interesting OOH statistics across Texas’ 254 counties! (Did you know: Texas has the most counties of any US state by a long shot, beating Georgia by nearly 100 counties?)
At the state level, Geopath audits over 70,000 spots, with inventory coming from 97 different operators! In the state, there is a total population of 29 million, presenting a large opportunity for audience exposure.
Here are a few great potential audience segments to be aware of in the state! A full 64% of the state’s population reports that they have been to a Quick Service Restaurant to eat in the past 30-days. Approximately 25% of the population report that they have been to a sporting event in the past 12-months, 19% to a theme park, 17% to the zoo, and 23% to a casino. Of the 29 million Texans in the state, 23% report that they have been biking, 23% have been hiking/backpacking, and 13% have been camping in the past 12 months.
In the coming 12 months, 31% of the population report that they have plans to go on a family vacation, and 12% plan to look for a new job.
While we’re on the subject of OOH in Texas, here is newest geekOUT market infographic for the one of the DMAs in the state – the Harlingen market!