Labor Day marks the end of summer, and for many, is one more chance for a fun and relaxing long-weekend activity, whether it means going for a swim or just having a cookout with friends. For some, a trip to the beach or the lake may be this weekend’s activity. An average of 40% ...
Our geekOUT Library is full of infographics, data, and presentations that are all available to our members. We’d like to spread the knowledge! Billboard Insider will be running a “Geopath Market Spotlight” featuring a different DMA infographic every week. To see the first week’s spotlight on San Francisco, head here. To learn more about the ...
Take a listen to the “One-on-One Podcast” from DM News, featuring Geopath President Kym Frank. During the interview with DM News’ Executive Editor Kim Davis, Kym discusses the rapidly changing OOH Ecosystem, and how new technology and innovations are changing the landscape of the industry. In discussion, Kym also talks about Geopath’s capabilities, how Geopath ...
Did you know that two-thirds of people who work in San Francisco drive alone to and from work? Or, that in this market, Geopath measured inventory generates more than 1.5 BILLION weekly impressions. New to the geekOUT Library: infographics about the country’s top DMAs! Here you can find quick stats about travel, spending trends, and ...
Recently, Geopath’s new measurement methodology, MORE, was showcased at the Advertising Research Foundation’s Audience Measurement Conference. While we were there, we bumped into Jim Spaeth and Alice Sylvester, co-founders of Sequent Partners. Jim and Alice have been working closely with the OAAA to ensure that out of home advertising is being accurately represented in ROI models. ...
Geopath power user, Gina Lin Stratford, was interviewed by Billboard Insider this week about how the new tools being developed at Geopath are changing the way her team sells and the way they talk to clients. Gina said: This to us is heaven…This allows us to put a proactive plan for business development. We ...
The development of our state-of-the-art measurement system continues to be on time and on schedule, and we are excited about the launch of our new Inventory Explorer! The tool, which highlights some of the coming capabilities that will be available in the Geopath Insights Suite, is now available on our website. Members and non-members can ...
This year at the 2017 OAAAGeopath National Convention + Expo, Kym Frank, President of Geopath, discussed how advances in audience location measurement are turning data into intelligence and powering exciting new ways to sell OOH, while delivering the accountability that advertisers demand. “Change takes courage. But nothing worth doing is easy.” – ...
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Seasonal/Hourly Explorer – Beta! This will allow our members to access the recently released hourly impression data before our new state-of-the-art Geopath Insights Suite of measurement tools launches in early 2018. We are truly excited about this industry changing milestone, and look forward to ...
We at Geopath have been busy! The development of our new state-of-the-art measurement and insights platform kicked off in January. We wanted to take a breath and update everyone that the project is 100% on track – and that we are on schedule to deliver on our first major milestone: Hourly Impression Data! Next month, ...