2024 Forecast Release Schedule Update

2024 Forecast Release Schedule Update

As the first month of 2024 ends, we would like to provide a quick update on the release of the 2024 Annual Forecast.

We are preparing to release a preview of the 2024 forecast to allow members the opportunity to review and familiarize themselves with the data and integrate the updated numbers into any proprietary planning systems. As our Insights Committee nears the completion of its review of the metrics, we will update you in the coming weeks with specific timing as we get closer to the expected preview release date.

Once the preview is available, we will provide the usual support documents including training guides, FAQs, and one-pagers. Each asset will be accessible via the GeekOUT Library. We will also host a webinar to provide a more detailed tutorial and address any specific questions.

Geopath continues to be hard at work finalizing the forecast to ensure the Out of Home industry can transact confidently using data that meets the highest levels of quality, accuracy, and precision.

In the meantime, you can always contact us with any questions at [email protected].

We hope everyone is having a successful start to 2024!