Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 22nd)
Geopath data reflects consistent growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs since the April lows.

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 22nd) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'> Geopath data reflects consistent growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs since the April lows. </span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of the “Top 100 DMAs” deck, refreshed with data through June 22nd.    Continuing the trend shown in earlier releases of this report, consistent growth in average daily miles traveled has been seen in all DMAs analyzed, with some markets nearing pre-COVID traffic levels.   According to the data, ...

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 5th)
Double and triple-digit growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 5th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Double and triple-digit growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs</span>
We hope everyone is doing well, and you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.   Over the past two months, the Geopath and Intermx teams have spent countless hours monitoring population movement data, and compiling any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry.   Today we are sharing an updated ...

Insuring OOH Is Part Of The Plan
geekOUT Fast Facts Friday

20. March 2020 Uncategorized 0
Insuring OOH Is Part Of The Plan <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>geekOUT Fast Facts Friday</span>
SafeAuto launched their “Insurance For The Rest of Us” campaign earlier this year, with the intent of reaching consumers that feel overlooked by other insurance companies. The campaign appeared on multiple advertising channels, including out of home! With creative content that is fun, eye-catching, and diverse in its messaging, we’re sure the ads caught the attention of ...

Geopath Issues More Than 1,500 Learning Lab Certificates
The training curriculum serves to educate members on the recently launched Geopath Insights

Geopath Issues More Than 1,500 Learning Lab Certificates <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>The training curriculum serves to educate members on the recently launched Geopath Insights</span>
 New York, NY, February 7th, 2020 – Geopath, the not-for-profit organization that provides the industry-standard currency for out-of-home (OOH) advertising, today announced that it has issued more than 1,500 certificates through its online Learning Lab. Introduced in September 2019 to support the launch of Geopath’s new Insight tool, the Learning Lab is an online platform ...

The Late Erwin Ephron’s Measurement Contributions Still Ring True
Article by Geopath President, Kym Frank, on advertising visionary Erwin Ephron.

The Late Erwin Ephron’s Measurement Contributions Still Ring True <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Article by Geopath President, Kym Frank, on advertising visionary Erwin Ephron.</span>
The advertising industry has spawned amazing visionaries, but it is hard to match the wisdom of the late, great Erwin Ephron.  He has been called “the father of modern media planning,” and “the inventor of ‘recency,’” and, as the anniversary of his death approaches, I’ve been thinking about how valuable his contributions to measurement have ...