20 Quick Facts As We Enter Campaign Season
More from Geopath on politics and OOH

20 Quick Facts As We Enter Campaign Season <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>More from Geopath on politics and OOH</span>
The discussion around political advertising spend and OOH has ramped up as we enter campaign season! For those “Cohooters,” you may have noticed a number of inquiries on the topic as well. In a recent Friday Fast Fact post, we provided some insights into political audiences, and how to use Geopath Insights to target these segments. For today’s ...

Geopath Named Street Fight Innovator Awards Finalist
Geopath selected as a finalist for ‘Best Analytics Platform’

Geopath Named Street Fight Innovator Awards Finalist <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Geopath selected as a finalist for ‘Best Analytics Platform’ </span>
New York, NY, October 24, 2019 – Geopath, the not-for-profit organization that provides the industry-standard currency for out-of-home (OOH) advertising, today announced that it has been selected as a 2019 Street Fight Innovator Awards ‘Best Analytics Platform’ finalist for its new measurement system, the Geopath Insights Suite.   Previously, Geopath measured several forms of OOH ...

A touchstone for the future of planning, buying, and selling OOH with the new Geopath Insights.

GEOPATH BEST PRACTICES, STANDARDS, AND PROTOCOLS PRIMER. <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>A touchstone for the future of planning, buying, and selling OOH with the new Geopath Insights.</span>
As the OOH industry prepares for the launch of the new Geopath Insights, business as usual will no longer be business as usual. To ensure a smooth transition, Geopath worked collaboratively with its Futures Council to develop a set of Best Practices, Standards, and Protocols to serve as guidelines for planning, buying, and selling OOH ...

Geopath Enjoys Strong Membership Growth in 2017
Adds Iconic Properties to Portfolio, Including One Times Square

Geopath Enjoys Strong Membership Growth in 2017 <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Adds Iconic Properties to Portfolio, Including One Times Square</span>
NEW YORK (PRWEB) – December 28, 2017 Geopath, the not-for-profit organization providing audience location measurement to the out-of-home (OOH) industry, today revealed that 44 agencies and out-of-home media owners joined the organization in 2017, representing a 10% increase in overall membership. Geopath continues to strengthen its membership base as the company prepares for the launch ...

MORE Progress: 100% on schedule!

MORE Progress: 100% on schedule!
We at Geopath have been busy! The development of our new state-of-the-art measurement and insights platform kicked off in January. We wanted to take a breath and update everyone that the project is 100% on track – and that we are on schedule to deliver on our first major milestone: Hourly Impression Data! Next month, ...

Look! 2017 OAAA Local Case Study Contest

Look! 2017 OAAA Local Case Study Contest
Above: Ali Stoker, Clear Channel Outdoor, accepts last year’s grand prize from OAAA’s Stephen Freitas and Geopath’s Kym Frank What’s better than creating results for your clients and generating renewals? How about earning extra cash or a free trip to “LOOK OUT,” the OAAAGeopath National Convention and Expo in New Orleans this May 15-17, 2017. ...

Outdoor Goes Couture

Outdoor Goes Couture
Last week, I had the privilege of attending an extraordinary event in Charlotte, NC – Adams Outdoor Advertising’s “Outdoor is In” gala at the Mint Museum. Much like the famous OOH campaign, I shot these photos on an iPhone 6s. However, unlike the OOH campaign, put them into an overly produced video. The team at Adams ...