Top OOH Spenders By DMA: Denver
geekOUT Fast Facts Friday

Top OOH Spenders By DMA: Denver <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>geekOUT Fast Facts Friday</span>
For today’s Fast Fact Friday, we will continue our series analyzing the top OOH spenders in specific DMAs, to help our members prepare as markets reopen. The data is sourced from Kantar and covers OOH ad spend from January to March of 2020.   Recent Fast Fact Friday articles have looked at Boston, New York City, and Salt Lake City, highlighting the top OOH advertisers in these markets. However, for today’s write-up, let’s head to the ...

DMA Report | Average Daily Miles Traveled (July 27th)
A report showcasing travel trends in every DMA around the country.

DMA Report | Average Daily Miles Traveled (July 27th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>A report showcasing travel trends in every DMA around the country.</span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of our weekly DMA deck that now includes travel trends from every DMA across the country. The report is based on average daily miles traveled in these markets, and is refreshed with data through the week of July 13th. According to the data, average daily miles traveled in many markets continues to grow and stabilize, ...

Top 10 OOH Spenders By DMA: Salt Lake City
geekOUT Fast Facts Friday

Top 10 OOH Spenders By DMA: Salt Lake City <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>geekOUT Fast Facts Friday</span>
For today’s Fast Fact Friday, we will continue our trend of analyzing the top OOH spenders in specific DMAs, so our members are ready as their markets reopen. The data is sourced from Kantar and covers OOH ad spend from January to March of 2020.   Recent Fast Fact Friday articles have looked at Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston, and New York City, highlighting the top OOH advertisers in these markets. However, for today’s ...

Using OOH to Reach Political Audiences in Battleground States
GeekOUT Fast Fact Friday

Using OOH to Reach Political Audiences in Battleground States <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>GeekOUT Fast Fact Friday</span>
As we continue to move toward November, political advertising is becoming more prevalent across all media formats, especially in key battleground states. Marketing committees for campaigns are looking at all media options available to not only reinforce support of their candidate among their base, but also to convert independent voters as well as conquest voters from their opponent’s party.   Over the past several ...

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through July 9th)
Average daily miles traveled remains well above the April low-points

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through July 9th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Average daily miles traveled remains well above the April low-points</span>
We hope everyone is continuing to read our updates in good health.   The Geopath and Intermx teams continue to monitor any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry through the resources available to us. As the situation has remained fluid, we will continue to provide the most up-to-date data we have available, ...

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through July 3rd)
Significant growth in average daily miles traveled since April Lows.

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through July 3rd) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Significant growth in average daily miles traveled since April Lows.</span>
We hope everyone is continuing to read our Blog releases in good health. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis and the associated regulations that followed, the Geopath and Intermx teams have spent countless hours monitoring population movement data. This has included compiling any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry through any of the ...

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 22nd)
Geopath data reflects consistent growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs since the April lows.

Top 100 DMAs Report (Updated Data Through June 22nd) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'> Geopath data reflects consistent growth in average daily miles traveled in the top 100 DMAs since the April lows. </span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of the “Top 100 DMAs” deck, refreshed with data through June 22nd.    Continuing the trend shown in earlier releases of this report, consistent growth in average daily miles traveled has been seen in all DMAs analyzed, with some markets nearing pre-COVID traffic levels.   According to the data, ...

COVID-19 Mobility Data Update (June 25th)
This week marks the tenth consecutive week of growth in average total miles traveled per day

COVID-19 Mobility Data Update (June 25th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'> This week marks the tenth consecutive week of growth in average total miles traveled per day</span>
The Geopath and Intermx teams are continuing to monitor population movement data, and compile any relevant information that would be useful to the OOH industry. Today’s presentation is an update to the weekly COVID-19 Mobility tracking reports that we have been releasing over the past three months.   According to the data, this week marks the tenth consecutive week ...