2021 Annual Forecast Update
An announcement regarding Geopath's 2021 Annual Forecast

2021 Annual Forecast Update <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>An announcement regarding Geopath's 2021 Annual Forecast</span>
Geopath’s annual forecast is a key deliverable for the out of home industry each year and one that is inherent in our purpose as an organization. It goes without saying, that the forecast this year is of exceptional importance due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In developing the 2021 forecast, Geopath leveraged historical data, live activity data, and current models projecting the recovery. The resulting forecast estimates that the impact of COVID-19 on ...

New Spending Report Available in the GeekOUT Library!
OOH adspend reports for Q3 across top markets compiled

New Spending Report Available in the GeekOUT Library! <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>OOH adspend reports for Q3 across top markets compiled</span>
To help support our members in as many ways possible, we have compiled a new spending report analyzing the top OOH spenders in each of the top DMAs around the country. The data for the reports are sourced from Kantar, covering OOH spending from the beginning of July, through the end of September. Geopath members can ...

Perception vs. Reality
The Focus Group of One

Perception vs. Reality <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>The Focus Group of One</span>
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, many of us have heard the opinions of a “focus group of one.” In fact, only a few weeks ago, I responded to a “traffic skeptic” on Billboard Insider who claimed that the Geopath mobility data (and consequently all of the other data sets that mirror it) are “grossly misleading.” This ...

DMA Report | September 14th, 2020
Report showing travel trends for every DMA across the country

DMA Report | September 14th, 2020 <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Report showing travel trends for every DMA across the country</span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of our weekly DMA report, analyzing travel trends in every DMA across the country. The report is based on average daily miles traveled in these markets, and is refreshed with data through the week of August 31st. To see data on your market or to view the full report, please click here.

Geopath Announces Expansion Of OOH Industry Currency for Place-Based Advertising
OOH inventory measured by organization increases 50% since 2019 integration of place-based screens

Geopath Announces Expansion Of OOH Industry  Currency for Place-Based Advertising <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>OOH inventory measured by organization increases 50% since 2019 integration of place-based screens</span>
Geopath, the not-for-profit organization that provides the industry-standard currency for out-of-home (OOH) advertising, today announced that measured inventory available in the Geopath Insights Suite increased by 50% since the integration of place-based screens into the platform in April of last year.   With 48 place-based members to date, accounting for hundreds of thousands of OOH ...

COVID Mobility Update (August 6th)
Miles traveled daily has stabilized over the past several weeks.

COVID Mobility Update (August 6th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Miles traveled daily has stabilized over the past several weeks.</span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of the Daily Mobility tracking report that we have been releasing weekly over the past four months, refreshed with data through the week of July 27th. According to the data, average miles traveled daily has stabilized over the past several weeks, and remains at 76% versus the April low. Additionally, Saturday ...

Top OOH Spenders By DMA: Cleveland
GeekOUT Fast Fact Friday

Top OOH Spenders By DMA: Cleveland <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>GeekOUT Fast Fact Friday</span>
For today’s Fast Fact Friday, we will continue our series examining the top OOH spenders in specific DMAs, to help our members prepare as markets reopen. The data is sourced from Kantar and covers OOH ad spend from January to March of 2020.   Recent Fast Fact Friday articles have looked at New York City, Salt Lake City, and Denver, highlighting the top OOH advertisers in these markets. However, today let’s travel to the shores of Lake Erie and highlight the ...

COVID Mobility Update (July 30th)
Distance traveled daily remains at 95% of the travel occurring prior to COVID-19 restrictions.

COVID Mobility Update (July 30th) <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Distance traveled daily remains at 95% of the travel occurring prior to COVID-19 restrictions.</span>
Today we are sharing an updated version of the Daily Mobility tracking report that we have been releasing weekly over the past three months, refreshed with data through the week of July 20th. According to the data, average miles traveled daily has stabilized over the past several weeks and remains at 76% versus the April low. Additionally, ...