Geopath releases preliminary Transit and Scheduled Fleet impressions as part of strategic vision initiative
Geopath Strategic Vision

Since 2020, Geopath has worked to update its methodology for measuring transit inventory utilizing advanced location data inputs. This work focused primarily on ensuring that all transit formats utilize the same methodology used by other Geopath audited formats.
Now, after working with its Insights Committee on implementing these enhancements, Geopath has launched preliminary impressions for transit and scheduled fleet. The release is the first of many changes as Geopath begins the rollout of its new strategic vision initiative, developed with PwC and leaders from across the industry.
Preliminary impressions for core audiences (including POPFACTS®) have been shared with all Transit and Fleet members. These preliminary impressions are now available upon request for approved transit systems and will soon be fully integrated into the API and Insights Suite.
Geopath President Dylan Mabin says the announcement is a significant advancement toward implementation of the vision initiative as it allows the industry to once again maximize the full potential of OOH.
“By undertaking this initiative, Geopath has ensured that our channel is provided with trusted, accurate and comprehensive measurement across all formats of out-of-home advertising. This has been an exacting process to ensure a high degree of precision and we are most looking forward to making the full complement of transit station and scheduled fleets measures available to our members.”

“With consumer behavior patterns evolving, the need for accurate audience data has never been more important,” Chris Grosso, CEO, Intersection and Geopath Board Member, said. “Having updated, audited, and improved Geopath measurement for transit and other OOH formats will enable advertisers to maximize the value of their media investments.”
The full complement of measures will be available after the Insights Committee finishes their Reach and Frequency methodology validation effort next month.