OOH in Virginia: The State by Numbers
Friday Fast Fact

For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at some OOH statistics across Virginia! Interestingly, Virginia has 95 counties, as well as 38 independent cities that are counted as county-equivalent for the Census.

Did you know that Virginia’s Tangier Island is home to an incredibly unique dialect of English only found on that specific island? The island, located in the Chesapeake Bay, is home to only several hundred people, and has managed to preserve its unique dialect for hundreds of years! In fact, most of the island’s residents are direct descendants of the original British settlers who came to island in the 1680s, and this unique accent has thrived in its relative isolation.
At the state level, Geopath audits nearly 16,000 spots, with inventory coming from 45 different operators! In the state, there is a total population of 8.7 million.
Here are a few great potential audience segments to be aware of in the state! 2/3 of the state’s population reports that they have been to a Quick Service Restaurant to eat in the past 30-days, and nearly 91% have been to a sit-down restaurant in the same time period! According to Geopath Insights Data, there are more dog owners in the state than cat owners, at 26% of the population versus 16%, respectively! There are also more wine drinkers in the state than beer drinkers, with wine leading by a difference of 10% of the state’s population!
Approximately 27% of the population report that they have been to a professional sporting event in the past 12-months, 19% to a theme park, 17% to the zoo, and 23% to a casino. Of the 8.7 million Virginians in the state, 20% report that they have been biking, 23% have been swimming, and 14% have been fishing in the past 12 months. 42% of residents report that they have grilled outdoors in the past 12 months. Additionally, 1/3 report that they regularly attend religious services.
In the coming 12 months, 32% of the population report that they have plans to go on a family vacation, and 32% plan to do some home remodeling.
Here is the latest infographic on the Roanoke DMA!
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