March 8th Release Notes and Updates
A message from Geopath

March 8th Release Notes and Updates <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>A message from Geopath</span>
As previously announced, the initial rollout of the 2021 Annual Forecast will be completed by March 8th, 2021. However, in order to give our members time to implement these metrics into their systems, the 2021 release will become the official currency of the OOH industry on March 22nd, 2021. On that date, the 2021 metrics should be used by all members for planning and transactional purposes. In preparation for this significant milestone, ...

Geopath Announcement | Release Notes – Updated 02/22/21
Notes, updates and reminders related to the February 22nd release.

Geopath Announcement | Release Notes – Updated 02/22/21 <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Notes, updates and reminders related to the February 22nd release.</span>
Our bi-weekly release into the API and Insights Suite occurred on Monday, February 22nd, 2021. Below are relevant updates and reminders related to the current release. Moving forward we will send out release notes to help our members when there are major changes that may impact inventory or our tools.   Release Notes A complete list ...

Geopath Announcement | Release Notes – Updated 2/8/21
Notes, updates and reminders related to the February 8th, 2021 release.

Geopath Announcement | Release Notes – Updated 2/8/21 <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>Notes, updates and reminders related to the February 8th, 2021 release.</span>
Our bi-weekly release to the API and Insights Suite is scheduled for Monday, February 8th. In preparation, we wanted to share a few updates and reminders. Moving forward we will send out release notes to help our members when there are major changes that may impact inventory or our tools.   Release Notes Included in ...

2021 Annual Forecast Update
January 28th, 2021

2021 Annual Forecast Update <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>January 28th, 2021</span>
Due to significant changes in travel patterns resulting from the pandemic, the 2021 release of the annual update to audience delivery metrics is happening in stages. This year is unique in that this is the first year in Geopath’s history where the travel behavior and travel volume of the US population has been dramatically different than any year prior.   Fortunately, due to enhancements put into place ...

2021 Annual Forecast Update
An announcement regarding Geopath's 2021 Annual Forecast

2021 Annual Forecast Update <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>An announcement regarding Geopath's 2021 Annual Forecast</span>
Geopath’s annual forecast is a key deliverable for the out of home industry each year and one that is inherent in our purpose as an organization. It goes without saying, that the forecast this year is of exceptional importance due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In developing the 2021 forecast, Geopath leveraged historical data, live activity data, and current models projecting the recovery. The resulting forecast estimates that the impact of COVID-19 on ...

New Spending Report Available in the GeekOUT Library!
OOH adspend reports for Q3 across top markets compiled

New Spending Report Available in the GeekOUT Library! <br/> <span style='color:#000000;font-size: 18px;'>OOH adspend reports for Q3 across top markets compiled</span>
To help support our members in as many ways possible, we have compiled a new spending report analyzing the top OOH spenders in each of the top DMAs around the country. The data for the reports are sourced from Kantar, covering OOH spending from the beginning of July, through the end of September. Geopath members can ...