For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at some OOH statistics across the 82 counties of Mississippi! The State of Mississippi gets its name from the mighty Mississippi River, whose name itself comes from the Ojibwe language, meaning “big river”. The Ojibwe (or Chippewa) people were not historically found in the Mississippi area, but ...
Throughout history, we have endeavored to travel beyond the restrictions of human locomotion. Be it on horseback, boat, wagon, train, car, or plane, humankind has constantly redefined “travel”. As our lives and societies became more complex, so too did our needs and motivations for travel. The 19th and early 20th centuries saw massive expansion of ...
Hot drinks, cozy socks, shopping madness – the height of the 2024 holiday season is upon us! In honor of the holiday season, and the gift giving, well wishes, and time spent together that go along with it, Geopath has created its third annual “OOH For the Holidays” infographics for the 10 largest DMAs in ...
Last weekend, I found myself down in eastern Tennessee, celebrating my 10-year anniversary with my partner and exploring the South-Central Appalachian region. I’d been to Nashville a few times before, but never to eastern Tennessee, or nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains. We spent our time between Knoxville, Gatlinburg, Dollywood, and the Great Smoky Mountains ...
As November draws to a close, the Thanksgiving holiday traditions of the United States come into full swing – family, gratitude, food, football, travel, and reflection on the year passed and ahead. According to AAA, there are a record-breaking 80 million people who will travel 50+ miles for Thanksgiving this year, up over 2% from ...
As with many Presidential elections in recent US history, the result of next week’s election will likely hinge on a handful of “swing” states. For multiple reasons, these battleground states are highly influential in Presidential elections. There are of course many states where election results can be reasonably predicted, with insights based on previous elections ...
Batter up! The 2024 World Series is upon us, officially kicking off the first game of the series today in Los Angeles. This year’s contenders are rival teams the New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Dodgers. We very nearly had a “Subway Series” World Series on our hands, which would have seen the New ...
For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at some OOH statistics across the 23 counties (and 1 independent city) of Maryland! Interestingly, Baltimore County does not contain the city of Baltimore itself; instead, Baltimore city is an “independent city” but functions as a county equivalent in most regards. Maryland is home to many “firsts” ...
For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at some OOH statistics across the 77 counties of Oklahoma! Did you know that Oklahoma has more man-made lakes than any other state in the US, with 200 non-natural lakes? Additionally, OK has over 11,000 miles of shoreline thanks to major tributaries like the Arkansas and Red ...