January 2024 Release Notes

We are pleased to inform you that the most recent update to the API and Insights Suite has been completed and is now fully available. This release features a small number of API improvements, the technical details of which can be found in the API Version 2.2 Release Notes.
Among the updates are two notable improvements to Market Plan. The first of these refinements includes improved accuracy in reach results for place-based Market Plans that include a small number of units. The second is the introduction of new functionality when creating a Market Plan. Now, when running plans in the Insights Suite or API, users can specify the location of the inventory in addition to the target audience market before running the plan. A tutorial on how to use the new feature can be found in the geekOUT Library and Learning Lab or by clicking the image below.
The Geopath team is hard at work preparing this coming year’s forecast and ensuring the Out of Home industry can transact confidently using data that meets the highest levels of quality, accuracy, and precision. We will continue to update you in the weeks ahead as we get closer to the preview release date.
In the meantime, we remain available to any member seeking support in using the API and the current forecast. You can also continue to access helpful materials such as FAQs and webinar recordings housed within the geekOUT library.