November 2023 Release Notes

We are pleased to inform you that the monthly update to the inventory database, API, and Insights Suite for November has been completed and is now fully available. This month’s release features the addition of — and updates to — more than 4,500 spots of inventory.
Earlier this month, we migrated to a new API gateway solution for cost efficiency and performance enhancement purposes. If you are experiencing any issues with an existing API key, please reach out to [email protected] as our self-serve developers portal ( has been temporarily decommissioned.
We are in the process of building a new portal that will include developer docs, API keys, logging/metrics report and more, and will be sending an announcement in the coming days when this work has been completed. In the meantime, if you need API documentation, you can find additional information here. Additional details of recent API improvements can be also found in the API Version 2.2 Release Notes.
As a reminder, API Version 2.1 is scheduled to be deprecated on December 31, 2023, and will no longer be accessible after that date. If you primarily rely on this version, we recommend you begin fully transitioning to API Version 2.2 as soon as possible.
We remain available to any member seeking support in using the API and the current forecast. You can also continue to access helpful materials such as FAQs and webinar recordings housed within the geekOUT library.