OOH in Tennessee: The State by Numbers
Friday Fast Fact
For today’s Fast Fact, let’s zoom back the lens a bit and take a look at some interesting OOH statistics across Tennessee’s 95 counties!
At the state level, Geopath audits over 14,000 spots, with inventory coming from 23 different operators! In the state, there is a total population of 7 million, presenting a large opportunity for audience exposure.
Here are a few great potential audience segments to be aware of in the state! Approximately 22% of the population report that they have been to a sporting event in the past 12-months, 16% to a theme park, 16% to the zoo, and 22% to a casino. Of the 7 million Tennesseans in the state, 16% report that they have been biking, 14% have been hiking/backpacking, and 14% have been camping in the past 12 months.
In the coming 12 months, 30% of the population report that they have plans to go on a family vacation, and 11% plan to look for a new job.
While we’re on the subject of OOH in Tennessee, here is newest geekOUT market infographic for the one of the DMAs in the state – the Chattanooga market!
There are more infographics on the way! Don’t see a market you are looking for? Reach out to us at [email protected]. Additional Market Spotlights will be added over the coming weeks.