OOH in Louisiana: The State by Numbers
Friday Fast Fact

With July 4th coming early next week, many around the US will be celebrating Independence Day this upcoming weekend into the holiday week. Around the country, you’ll find many different variations on the holiday’s typical fireworks and cookout combo.
New Orleans, for example, has a jam-packed weekend of events leading into the holiday next week. Beginning Thursday 6/29 and running until Monday 7/3, the Essence Festival of Culture includes a concert series, innovative fashion, authors and thought-leaders, and so much more. The city’s celebrations will culminate with Tuesday’s “Go 4th on the River” event, an annual fireworks celebration on the riverfront that also features a colorful water show from fireboat General Roy S. Kelley.

For today’s Fast Fact, let’s zoom back the lens a bit and take a look at some interesting OOH statistics across Louisiana (which is broken up into 64 parishes, instead of “counties”)!
At the state level, Geopath audits over 16,000 spots, with inventory coming from 32 different operators! In the state, there is a total population of 4.7 million, presenting a large opportunity for audience exposure.
Here are a few great potential audience segments to be aware of in the state! In the past year: 21% of the population has been to a sporting event, 16% have been to a theme park, 15% have been to the zoo, and 21% have been to a casino. Of the 4.7 million Louisianians in the state, 15% have been biking, 13% have been hiking/backpacking, and 12% have been camping in the past 12 months.
In the coming 12 months, 28% of the population plans to go on a family vacation, and 11% plan to look for a new job.
In addition to being the only state in the US with Parishes instead of Counties, Louisiana is also the only state in the US that uses Civil Law as opposed to Common Law, derived from the French Napoleonic Code.
While we’re on the subject of OOH in Louisiana, here is newest geekOUT market infographic for the one of the 7 DMAs in the state – the New Orleans market!