2022 GO On Track To Be The Most Attended Geopath/OAAA Conference Ever!

As we near the end of March, and with the 2022 GO Conference fast approaching in May, excitement continues to build around this one-of-a-kind OOH event.
Currently, we’re on track for our most highly-attended GO Conference ever! Having just ended Early-Bird registration, we are already 20% above our registration goal at this time. Room availability is also running low, but don’t worry! There is still time to register: https://www.go2022ooh.com/register
Join us as we ‘Collaborate with Purpose’
The 2022 GO OOH Media Conference & Expo is the premier event in Out of Home advertising as it brings together all parts of the industry. 2022 GO is about coming together after much time apart, and cultivating a community of collaboration to advance the entire OOH industry.
We’ve also scheduled a full slate of outstanding speakers that you will not want to miss!
Thank you to all our Sponsors & Exhibitors!
We’d like to also take a moment to thank all of our sponsors and exhibitors so far – this event would not be possible without such support from the industry.
Interested in becoming a sponsor or exhibitor for the event? Space is running out, so act soon if you’d like to join!
Please contact Larry Hennessy for more information.
Let’s all come together to Connect, Collaborate, and Create.z
We hope you see you in sunny Marco Island, FL!