Grocery Store Customers & Out of Home
GeekOUT Friday Fast Fact

Over the past several months, the Geopath team has added new reports to the geekOUT Library, including a presentation on Grocery Store Consumers, and their media habits. This deck provides statistics sourced from the Simmons Spring 2020 NHCS Adult 12-month study. on customers for many of the major grocery store brands across the country.
For today’s Friday Fast Fact, we dive into this report to see how shoppers of different grocery store chains view OOH advertisements as well as other media.
First, let’s take a look at the supermarket chain Aldi, known for its low prices, and multitude of locations, with over 2,000 stores across the United States. According to Simmons, 79% of Aldi shoppers report noticing an OOH ad in the last 30 days – 14% more likely to do so than the total population! While Aldi shoppers report noticing OOH, they also report high levels of TV advertisement avoidance. According to Simmons, more than half of Aldi shoppers report they “avoid watching TV commercials!”
Customers of another large chain also known for cost savings, in addition to providing large quantities, Costco, have similar OOH media consumption. According to Simmons, more than 3 out of 4 Costco shoppers report noticing an OOH ad in the last 30 days, making them 12% more likely to notice than the total population! However, if marketers expect to reach these shoppers via TV commercials, they’re likely to have a hard time, as this population is often disengaged while watching TV. Although they notice OOH, their TV viewing is distracted, with almost 60% saying they “are usually involved in other activities while watching TV.”
Reaching Grocery Store Customers With OOH
While this data helps to showcase how OOH is a great medium to reach shoppers of many grocery store chains across the country, how can you determine the best OOH inventory, markets, or formats to reach these shoppers? Well, Geopath can help. Whether you are an agency, operator, or advertiser, Geopath’s database of audited inventory can provide the best units to find these shoppers.
For example, according to Geopath Insights, the roadside and place-based inventory we currently measure across the US accounts for 13 billion weekly impressions for those that have shopped at Costco in the last 30 days!
These two audience segments are just a sample, as there are much more relating to grocery shopping within the wide selection of consumer profiles within the Geopath Insights Suite. Want to check some audiences out for yourself? Just log in with your current Geopath Credentials and explore tons of different research content!
The full report on grocery store shoppers and their media habits is available to all Geopath members via our geekOUT Library, and can be accessed by logging in with your current Geopath credentials.