Holiday Shopping and OOH
geekOUT Fast Fact Friday

The Holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the peak shopping season for many consumers. As people flock to their nearest shopping center to buy gifts for themselves or a loved one, marketers are working on the best ways to influence their purchase decisions. But what advertising campaigns are actually effective in reaching these potential consumers?
According to research conducted by Simmons, more than half of people who have gone to a shopping mall in the last 4 weeks “typically avoid watching television commercials” (Spring 2019 NHCS Adult Study 12-month). That’s a large chunk of people missing those holiday shopping ads.
However, of the same group of consumers who have visited a mall in the last 4 weeks, more than 3 in 4 have noticed an OOH advertisement in the past 30 days – 10% more than the total population (76%, Index 110)
These points are great for brick-and-mortar consumers, but let’s forget about Black Friday shoppers. What about those online consumers that are looking forward to Cyber Monday the following week? Shoppers that order items online, from apparel to home furnishings, report high television ad avoidance, with 60% reporting they typically avoid watching commercials.
On the other hand, these online shoppers are 15% more likely to notice an OOH advertisement in the last 30 days! (80%, Index 115). Talk about an effective way to reach and influence consumers.
Using Geopath Insights to Target Holiday Shoppers
According to Geopath Insights, the inventory we currently measure across the U.S. accounts for 37 Billion weekly impressions of people who have shopped or visited a mall or shopping center in the past 30 days. Additionally, this inventory also accounts for 15 billion impressions for people who have used their smartphone for online shopping in the past 30 days!
Besides these audiences, there are much more relating to shopping from the various types of consumer profiles, to the very way they shop.
Check out the image below to see some of the other shopping audiences that we currently have within Geopath Insights. Want to check some out yourself? Just log in with your current Geopath Credentials and explore tons of different research content!
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