Today, August 26th, marks the start of the 150th (sesquicentennial) Colorado State Fair! This year’s fair runs from August 26th to September 5th, and is being held at the fairgrounds in Pueblo. Dating all the way back to 1872, the fair was initially held without funding from the local community or state as a whole. In 1886, ...
This Sunday is August 21st – let’s take a look at this day in 1888, and how it shaped modern computing. William Seward Burroughs spent the first several years of his professional career as a bank clerk, pouring over ledgers for hours on end in search of errors. At that time, in the late 1870s, most ...
For many people, one of the least-used features of their cellphone is the actual phone itself. With connectivity, social media, and mobile entertainment, it’s easy to overlook the core function that spurred the very creation of cell phones. However, before smartphones, cellphones, car phones, and pagers, payphones could be found in public spaces virtually everywhere ...
On this day in 1888, German inventor and auto pioneer Bertha Benz took the first long-distance automobile trip, testing out the Benz Patent-Motorwagen on a route of 66 miles! This novel trip was unique for several reasons. Namely, this was the first time the Patent-Motorwagen had been driven any significant distance, beyond a few short ...