The Buntin Group: New HQ in the Railyard District

Last week, Dylan Mabin (Geopath, SVP, Product) and I traveled to Nashville for some meetings with Geopath Board Member, Mark Young, (Buntin Out-of-Home Media, EVP, Managing Director). As the development of the new Geopath measurement system closes in on completion, Jon Carmack (Buntin, EVP, Operations and Technology) and Kenny Dorr (Buntin, Senior Systems Engineer) have been instrumental in helping us maximize the functionality of our API. The organization owes them a huge thank you for being such amazing beta testers!
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is essentially a process that allows two applications to “speak to each other.” In this case, it allows Buntin’s software, Geotrak, to pull data directly out of the Geopath Insights Suite.
The visit wasn’t all just protocol and procedure. Once the day’s work was done, there was a big reason to celebrate – The Buntin Group’s brand new office. Not only is the office in Nashville’s Railyard District, it is actually housed in a 100 year-old retired train maintenance shed. The first thing you see upon walking in the door of their new office is a bowl full of railroad spikes. I was told that each was hand-cleaned and sanded by Jeffrey Buntin Jr. who then hand-painted the names of each employee himself.
Hanging above the bowl is a wall mural which reads:
You know the thing about trains? They’re gritty, but romantic. They rock you side-to-side, but also pull you forward. They take your imagination places it’s never been before, but always hit all the cool stops along the way. You know what else about trains? It takes a unique engine to keep ‘em running, to lay down the tracks, and to move people, goods and freight along those tracks once they’ve been laid. Kind of like big ideas. That’s what we do here. That’s who we are.

The agency celebrated the new location on June 18th along with hundreds of family, friends, clients, and partners. The party included live music, amazing sliders, and even featured a bar on an actual train car. As patio lights lit up the train tracks, there was an amazing energy to the whole evening. It was an energy both supplied by the location, but also the people.
“I think the revolution we’re experiencing is a special combination of our timeless values as an agency and an intentional embrace of new talents and energies that are essential in bringing maximum value to clients,” says EVP and Managing Director, Mark Young.
Congratulations to our friends at The Buntin Group!
Please enjoy some photos of the event: