OOH For the Holidays: Chicago
Friday Fast Fact

Looking for some holiday-related shopping and OOH stats? Geopath has you covered!

We recently released our 2nd annual “OOH for the Holidays” data packet, where we evaluate key demographics and gift-buying audience segments and see how they stack up against the OOH in the market.
For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the “OOH for the Holidays” stats in the Chicago DMA.
Here, there is a total population of 9.8 million people, where 31% of households have at least 1 child under 18 – that’s a lot of potential buying power!
In each of the “OOH for the Holidays” market reports, we analyzed inventory within 5 miles of major shopping hubs, like malls and shopping centers. In the Chicago DMA, OOH within 5 miles of major shopping POIs generate more than 845m impressions per week. This same inventory over-indexes in reaching consumers 25-54, at 23% above average! In these 5-mile radius areas, 53% of the audience bought skincare items, and 46% bought cosmetics/perfumes.
The holiday infographic for the Chicago DMA can be found below:
If you’re interested in downloading the entire the data packet, you’ll find reports for the top 10 DMAs across the US, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Houston, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and Boston. The “OOH for the Holidays” data can be downloaded here: https://geopath.org/oohfortheholidays/
Happy Holidays, and happy shopping!