Friday Fast Fact
Raleigh Market Infographic
For today’s Fast Fact, let’s take a look at the capital city of North Carolina – the Raleigh market!
Like many cities in the US (about 430 of them), Raleigh has its own city flag. However, unlike many other flags in general, the Raleigh flag is different on the front and back sides! Each side features the same red and white stripes, but one side has the “Seal of Raleigh”, and the other has the coat of arms of city founder Sir Walter Raleigh. Two-sided flags like this are much more rare than they once were – Oregon is the only US state with a two-sided flag, and Paraguay is the only two-sided national flag!
Let’s take a look at the newest geekOUT market infographic for the Raleigh DMA.
Based on the statistics in the above infographic, you’ll notice fairly short commute times when compared to the averages of other DMAs. Here, 36% of commuters drive 30 or more minutes to work. Additionally, about 12% of workers here work remotely, which is slightly above many of the other markets we’ve covered so far.
There is an especially wide variety of industries utilizing OOH in this market, when looking at the top categories of OOH Spenders. Among the top OOH spenders here is the higher education category – there are several notable colleges and universities in this region, such as UNC Chapel Hill and NC State University.
There are more infographics on the way! Don’t see a market you are looking for? Reach out to us at [email protected]. Additional Market Spotlights will be added over the coming weeks.