April 19th Release Notes | Updated
A message from Geopath

Our next bi-weekly release to the API and Insights Suite is scheduled for Monday, April 19th. In preparation, we would like to share a few updates and announcements.
Inventory Updates
An inventory update was part of the April 19th release. Please click here to see a list of all the new Geopath IDs that have been added to the database as part of the release, or that have had changes to either their status or impressions.
As previously announced, the March 22nd release was the last release in which inventory was updated with the 2020 forecast. Moving forward, updates to inventory will only be reflected in the 2021 forecast.
Reach and Frequency Update
Over the past several months, Geopath has been working on refinements to its reach and frequency methodology to incorporate mobile device movement data and to account for the changes in trip motivations and travel patterns due to the pandemic.
Switching to observed trip patterns of mobile devices and no longer relying upon self-reported travel surveys has brought to light that the average frequency of persons passing a single roadway is much lower that previously known, even pre-pandemic. With this increased precision and sensitivity, members will notice higher reach and lower frequency, especially on large format units on interstates or high-traffic roadways.
Geopath has continued its due diligence refining and analyzing our reach calculations, as a result, we have released a patch to address higher-than-expected reach ceilings for some packages using the 2021 audience data. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about the new reach and frequency methods.
Insights Suite: Workspace Module
The new Workspace module became the default workflow on April 5th to allow for easier access to the 2021 audience data for planning. As such, the Workspace Classic module is being decommissioned and will no longer be available in the Insights Suite as of April 22nd. Please note that any market plans or inventory plans created using the Workspace Classic module will be accessible in the new Workspace module.
Impression Variation Dashboard
The Impression Variation Dashboard has been updated with data through the week starting March 29th, 2021.
As a reminder, both ADS and OOH Plan were decommissioned on April 1st, 2021. We recommend that former users of these tools transition to the Insights Suite. If you would like training, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we would be happy to set up a custom training with your team. Training materials are also available in our geekOUT Library as well as the Learning Lab, our self-directed online training platform.
Similarly, our inventory submission tool, TABview Online, was also decommissioned on April 1st, 2021. Members can continue to submit inventory directly to our analysts using our inventory submission sheet.
We hope this helps to answer many of the questions our members may have related to the upcoming release, but please feel free to reach out to us on [email protected] with any additional questions.