Top OOH Spenders By DMA: Detroit
GeekOUT Fast Fact Friday

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy as we continue into 2021.
For today’s Friday Fast Fact, we will be returning to our series analyzing the top OOH spenders in DMAs across the country, looking at who is spending in each market and any changes between the second and third quarter. As a reminder, all spending and research reports are available to our members via the geekOUT Library.
For today’s analysis, we will head to Michigan, and check out the fourteenth largest DMA in the country; Detroit. We will not only look at how out of home spending in the ‘Motor City’ changed in Q3, compared to the second quarter of 2020, but also the companies advertising as well. With more than 8,200 OOH assets audited by Geopath in this market, it will be interesting to see which advertisers are taking advantage of the roughly one billion impressions generated from this inventory every week!
With that said, let’s take a look at who was spending during Q2! See below for the top ten spenders in the DMA for the months of April through June.
In Q2, brands spending within the Detroit DMA were from the insurance, government, communication, and financial sectors. These included, but were not limited to, organizations such as State Farm, the Michigan State Lottery, Comcast, and Bank of Ann Arbor. It is interesting to note that although the top five spots on the list had a diverse assortment of companies from these four sectors, the remaining five spots were almost all from the financial industry. With that said, let’s see if the financial sector continued to spend into Q3! See below for the top OOH spenders in Detroit from July to the end of September.
A quick review of the list above shows that while the financial sector was still represented, some of the organizations that made up half of last quarter’s top ten spots fell off during Q3. That said, the financial industry still held three positions, with Quicken, Bank of Ann Arbor, and TCF Bank holding the third, fourth, and ninth spots, respectively. However, the insurance and governmental sectors saw more representation during this quarter, with new additions for both sectors on the list.
The governmental sector saw the Detroit Wayne County Healthy Authority take the eighth spot, while the Michigan For All Organization grabbed the tenth position. Although the insurance sector only had one new addition in Allstate. The company took the second spot, right behind State Farm, which continued to hold the top stop in the market from July to September.
In terms of new additions, there was only one other new arrival to the list, with the Michigan Fitness Foundation holding the sixth position. This non-profit had previously not been in the top ten for Q2, possibly choosing to use OOH to influence fitness activities in Detroit during the summer months instead.
With Q4 data becoming available in the coming weeks, it will be very interesting to see which of these companies will maintain their top spots! As we continue our Fast Fact series analyzing the top spenders in each market, make sure to check back here, as we will be sure to keep everyone updated.
To access the OOH spending reports for your market, or any additional research resources, members can access the GeekOUT Library by using their current Geopath credentials.
If you have any questions pertaining to OOH measurement or research, please feel free to reach out to your friends at Geopath via [email protected]