The Super Mario Of OOH — ’Level Up’
geekOUT Fast Fact Friday

It is probably not surprising that the Geopath team loves video games – but so should you. According to Kantar AdSpender, the Video Game category significantly increased their spend in out-of-home advertising in 2019.
Typically, the category’s biggest month of spending across all channels is in November right before the holidays.
This year, however, three big players, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, and Square Enix, all invested heavily in out-of-home in February. Kantar has only reported through August of 2019, but for January – August of 2019, the category has increased its spend almost 400%, an incremental $2.8M investment versus the same time period in 2018. Kantar only includes spending that is reported from the operators themselves, so no doubt, there are even more dollars being invested in OOH that haven’t been included in that total.
And we haven’t even touched those November dollars yet.
Pew Pew!
For more information about Video Game category and how to target them with OOH advertising,
or to develop your own geekOUT Fast Facts, please feel free to reach out to your friends at Geopath [email protected]