Americans’ Driving Getting Away
geekOUT Fast Fact Friday

These days, there is a lot of buzz about ride-sharing and autonomous vehicles, but the fact is, Americans are driving more now than ever before.
In the last 5 years, the number of registered vehicles in the United States has grown 11% to more than 276 million.
That adds up to a lot more miles spent on roadways as well. Over the last 5 years, the number of vehicular miles driven in the US is up 8%, with months like July, August, and October being high-points every year.
Americans drove 254.6 billion more miles in 2018 than 2013. According to the data gurus at Geopath, this means drivers in the US spent approximately 7 billion more hours behind the wheel last year. The growth trend continues in the early months of 2019.
You can add this to the reason that OOH is the only traditional media enjoying year over year increases.
For more information about reaching drivers with OOH advertising, please feel free to reach out to your friends at Geopath [email protected]
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