Find Your Local Audience With MORE

Find Your Local Audience With MORE
With Geopath’s next iteration of OOH measurement – MORE (Mobile Optimization and Ratings Enhancement) – we will now have similar targeting capabilities as digital! By powering our new measurement system with data from mobile phones and GPS units, OOH advertisers can better understand who they are reaching. It’s no big reveal that small businesses are ...

Look! 2017 OAAA Local Case Study Contest

Look! 2017 OAAA Local Case Study Contest
Above: Ali Stoker, Clear Channel Outdoor, accepts last year’s grand prize from OAAA’s Stephen Freitas and Geopath’s Kym Frank What’s better than creating results for your clients and generating renewals? How about earning extra cash or a free trip to “LOOK OUT,” the OAAAGeopath National Convention and Expo in New Orleans this May 15-17, 2017. ...

It’s All About [Audience] Location, Location, Location!

15. September 2016 Marketing 0
It’s All About [Audience] Location, Location, Location!
The old adage attributed to Lord Harold Samuel, a British real estate tycoon, that “the three things that matter in property are: Location, Location, Location” has never been more relevant for marketing and out-of-home advertising…but now, it’s all about “Audience Location.” The incredible amount of geospatial data available today gives marketers unprecedented capability to understand ...