Environmentalism and OOH
Standards for How OOH Approaches Environmental Impact

Over the last few years, there have been many significant changes that have taken place across the world. Key among these has been a trend toward environmentalism and sustainability.
In fact, just last month, JCDecaux released the 2030 Sustainability Strategy – a comprehensive plan for sustainability and reduced environmental impact, continuing the work that began over 20 years ago. The plan sets out specific goals and benchmarks along several main pillars, such as carbon neutrality, re-use of materials, and improved public resources.
This highlights the massive shifts in attitude that are taking place across daily life. Now, more than ever, being environmentally-focused has become a key aspect in decision making, whether as a consumer, corporation, or industry.
Leveraging the Claritas data available within Geopath Insights, let’s take a look at some of the ways people think about environmentalism. (Note: all numbers based on the full US population)
Environmental impact and a company’s reputation are clearly factors when making purchase decisions. According to data within Geopath Insights, approximately 54% of the population agree that a company’s environmental record is important when making purchase decisions. Additionally, more than 3 out of 5 agree that they are willing to pay more money for environmentally safe products. Similarly, 53% feel that environmental safety is more important than convenience.
Regardless of personal stance, one thing is very clear – sustainability and environmentalism within the decision-making process is a trend that’s here to stay. Consumers are looking to “green” products and companies as the new standard when making purchase decisions! The benchmarks and approaches laid out by JCDecaux, and others across the industry, will likely set standards for how the OOH industry approaches environmental impact going forward.