2021 Midyear Annual Release to Become Default Forecast on June 22nd
A message from Geopath

Earlier this week, a preview release of Geopath’s 2021 Midyear Annual Forecast (Jun 2021 – May 2022) was made available in the API and Insights Suite. This midyear update is the first step in Geopath’s long-term goal of introducing more frequent forecasts and will be followed by another update planned for later this year in October. See the chart below for more details.
As the OOH industry prepares for this midyear release to become the default forecast across Geopath’s tools on Tuesday, June 22nd, we wanted to provide a few updates and reminders to ensure our members are aware of what to expect.
Please note, Geopath has pushed this release out to June 22nd to allow for additional testing.
Release Notes and Reminders
The 2021 midyear annual forecast was released in the API and the Explore Module of the Insights Suite on Monday, June 14th. On Tuesday, June 22nd, these data will also be available in Workspace Module of the Insights Suite. To access via the Insights Suite, select ‘Data Sources’ and choose “Forecast Jun 2021-May 2022” in either the Explore or Workspace module.
- On June 14th, audience delivery metrics for 2,700+ demographic audiences were made available for all roadside media (including street furniture), and place-based media (excluding transit station media and airports). The remaining consumer segments will be available in the Insights Suite for the 2021 midyear forecast on June 22nd.Audience delivery metrics for 8,000+ demographic and consumer profile audiences are currently available in the API.
Click here to view a list of all the available consumer profiles available in the API and Insights Suite.
- The Impression Variation Dashboard will be updated on Monday, June 28th to display the midyear forecast vs June observed data.
While the January 2021-December 2021 annual forecast will still be accessible in the API and Insights Suite to review previously developed plans, these data should only be used for historical purposes as they are no longer valid for new transactional purposes now that the midyear forecast has been released.
For additional information on the 2021 Annual Forecast Release, please see our recent newsletter and blog post that provide answers to some helpful FAQs.
Additional Support
Geopath will be conducting a webinar on June 24th at 2:00pm ET to further support the launch of the midyear annual forecast release. During the session, we will discuss how the midyear forecast was developed and provide insight on what to expect as members begin to use these data. The session will also provide suggested guidelines on how to use the forecast and a review of where to access these audience metrics in the Insights Suite.
You can register for the session by clicking on the link below.
Contact Us!
We will continue to update the industry with more information on the midyear annual forecast release over the coming days. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out directly on [email protected] with any additional questions.